Food Storage Cooking for Health

Cooking With Whole Multigrains - Some Recipes

“Take thou also unto thee wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentiles, and millet, and fitches, and put them into one vessel, and make thee bread thereof...”  - Ezekiel 4:9

It has taken me a lot of experimentation but every failure in making a good recipe led me closer to a success.  Here are some of my favorites shared with you.

A Gluten-Free Light Mix Option:
Millet 1 cup
Buckwheat 1 cup
Brown Rice 1 cup
Long Grain Brown Rice 1 cup
Basmati Rice 1 cup
Oat Groats (from wheat free farming facility) 1 cup

A Regular Light Yellow Multigrain Mix Option:
Wheat* 1 cup
Barley* 1 cup
Rye* 1 cup
Buckwheat 1 cup
Millet 1 cup
Oat Groats 1 cup
Brown Rice 1 cup
Basmati Rice 1 cup
Wild Rice 1 cup
* = contains gluten.

A Blue or Green Multigrain Mix Option:
This mix turns purple when it is given time in water due to the black rice.  It will turn green instead when it doesn't have enough time in water before mixing with all the other ingredients (for example it turns bread purple but cookies green).
Wheat* 1 cup
Barley* 1 cup
Rye* 1 cup
Buckwheat 1 cup
Millet 1 cup
Oat Groats 1 cup
Black Rice 1 cup
Brown Rice 1 cup
Basmati Rice 1 cup
Wild Rice 1 cup
* = contains gluten.

Orange Raisin Cranberry Cookies
-Combine dry ingredients in separate bowl.
-2 1/4 cup grain mix flour of choice
-1 tsp baking soda
-1/2 tsp salt
-1 tsp guar gum
-Combine wet ingredients in mixing bowl.
-2 eggs
-1 cup butter
-1 cup orange juice concentrate
-1 tsp vanilla extract
-1/3 cup milk or water
-Slowly sift the dry ingredients into the wet while the mixer runs on medium speed.
-Fold in the raisins and cranberries.
-1/2 cup raisins
-1/2 cup dried cranberries
-Preheat the oven to 365 degrees.
-Spoon cookie dough on ungreased cookie sheet the size and shape desired.
-Cook for 10 minutes if dough is freshly made and room temperature.  Bottoms will have slightly browned but cookies may seem soft still until cooled.
-If refrigerated cook for 12 minutes.
-If frozen cook for 15 minutes.
  We’ve found the dough cooperates better when chilled.

Perfect Raisin Cookies
-Combine dry ingredients in separate bowl.
-2 1/4 cup grain mix flour of choice
-1 tsp baking soda
-1/2 tsp salt
-1 tsp guar gum
-Combine wet ingredients in mixing bowl.
-2 eggs
-1 cup butter
-1 cup honey
-1 tsp vanilla extract
-1/3 cup milk or water
-Slowly sift the dry ingredients into the wet while the mixer runs on medium speed.
-Fold in the raisins and cranberries.
-1cup raisins
-Preheat the oven to 365 degrees.
-Spoon cookie dough on ungreased cookie sheet the size and shape desired.
-Cook for 10 minutes if dough is freshly made and room temperature.  Bottoms will have slightly browned but cookies may seem soft still until cooled.
-If refrigerated cook for 12 minutes.
-If frozen cook for 15 minutes.
  We’ve found the dough cooperates better when chilled.

Yummy Nutrient Packed Oatmeal Cookies
-Combine dry ingredients in separate bowl.
-2 1/4 cup grain mix flour of choice
-Combine wet ingredients in mixing bowl.
-2 eggs
-1 cup butter
-1 cup honey
-1 tsp vanilla extract
-1/3 cup milk or water
-Slowly sift the dry ingredients into the wet while the mixer runs on medium speed.
-Fold in the raisins, hemp seed, chia seed, flax seed, and rolled oats.
-1cup raisins
-Preheat the oven to 365 degrees.
-Spoon cookie dough on ungreased cookie sheet the size and shape desired.
-Cook for 10 minutes if dough is freshly made and room temperature.  Bottoms will have slightly browned but cookies may seem soft still until cooled.
-If refrigerated cook for 12 minutes.
-If frozen cook for 15 minutes.

Does diet really make a difference?
Diet is the key factor that holds everything together in our bodies.  Its what we put in our mouths that gives our body what it needs to run.  Lets think about it like this.  I hypothetically have a beautiful potted flower.  I've made sure that it is in good soil, has just the right amount of sun and I water it whenever its hungry or thirsty.  It just keeps getting more beautiful and strong because its being properly taken care of.  One day the water at my house is shut off so to feed it I decide to put some soda pop in the soil for it to drink.  It doesn't take long at all for my flower to start withering because of what it sees as contaminants to its health.  We are like that flower.  If we only surround ourselves with what our body needs to thrive we will become stronger, but if we contaminate it with a diet of genetically modified pre-made food polluted with agents geared towards making an extra buck for the manufacturer, than our bodies may wither.  For us its not so obvious though.  It may be that we just feel more tired than we should or that we are retaining extra fat.  Or it could be more serious.  In my case all the extra toxins from just a typical lifestyle put me in a place that getting an auto-immune disease was almost inevitable.

It is very important to eat lots of fruits and veggies and most people know that, but I think sometimes people forget how important whole grains are in our diet for good health.  Especially if we use multiple grains at once.  If we stop buying the expensive pre-made junk that hurts our bodies and instead do homemade food from scratch our health would make a huge jump.  The issue most of us have with doing this is the amount of time and work it takes to do something from scratch versus from a box.  That is my problem.  With three kids and my health just starting to come back I can't seem to get everything done and still have happy kids by the end of the day, so I have come up with my own "boxed food" system (but without the box).  Food can be whole multigrain and taste as good or better than the white flour counterpart, and can be fast.  

“Consumers are increasingly aware that fruits and vegetables contain disease fighting phytochemicals and antioxidants, but they do not realize whole grains are often an even better source of these key nutrients.  *Moreover, whole grains have some valuable antioxidants not found in fruits and vegetables, as well as B vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium, iron, and fiber.  The medical evidence is clear that whole grains reduce risks of heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and obesity.  Few foods can offer such diverse benefits.  
*People who eat whole grains regularly have a lower risk of obesity, as measured by their body mass index and waist-to-hip ratios.  They also have lower cholesterol levels.  Because of the phytochemicals and antioxidants, people who eat three daily servings of whole grains have been shown to reduce their risk of heart disease by 25-36%, stroke by 37%, Type 2 Diabetes by 21-27%, digestive system cancers by 21-43%, and hormone related cancers by 10-40%.” -Whole Grains Council
“ALL grain is ordained for the use of man... To be the STAFF OF LIFE... ALL grain is good for the food of man”  -D&C 89:14,16  Notice it does not say “all grains” or “all grains are good” or even “grains are ordained.”  It says “ALL GRAIN IS” which makes it a collective synergistic mix of health given through multiple sources of complete whole grains with their many types of protein, amino acids, and phytochemicals to strengthen us and be our staff of life.
“Take thou also unto thee wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentils, and millet, and fitches, and put them in one vessel, and make thee bread thereof.”  -Ezekiel 4:9
Creating bread, cookies, pancakes, crackers, pasta, and all the things we love already with a whole grain mix we grind ourselves will bring us great strength and health on top of the fact that once a system is in place it is easy and tastes amazing!  I found my grain mix almost tastes just like white flour food but is just a little more yellow and never makes me sick like the processed food did.
Some Grain Mix Options (there are numerous variations but here are a couple):
#1.  Wheat, Buckwheat, Brown Rice, Oat Groats, Hulled Barley, Millet, Rye (Basic Grain Mix)
#2.  Corn, Quinoa, Amoranth, Kamut, Teff, Spelt; lentils & beans (add to mix #1)
#3.  Brown Rice, Oat Groats, Millet, Hulled Barley, Tapioca (for baby food snacks)
The more grains used the more complete and healthy your food will be, but even just starting by adding one extra grain besides the typical wheat is more benificial than a single grain (and tastes better).
Store Bought vs. Homemade:
It can get very tedious to read every label of every food we want from the grocery store, however if we are not going to make the food ourselves we should be very cautious of what we put in our carts.
“...In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation.” -D&C 89:4 
Many of us are just starting to learn the very basics of some of the conspiring designs of men in the realm of food production for our nation.  Making money is more important to these men than the people their food feeds as is displayed in many up and coming documentaries such as Food Inc, and Super Size Me, and many others.  As we continually build our knowledge of these designs and the detrimental fillers in our pre-made market food, we should adjust our diet accordingly.
Some Detrimental Fillers to Watch For:
-Aluminum: Can eventually lead to alzheimers
-MonoSodium Glutamate(MSG): Addicting & unnaturally enhances flavor
-High Fructose Corn Syrup:Spikes blood sugar due to High Concentration level 
-Natural & Artificial Flavors: Chemically derived flavors imitating natural ones.  The law actually allows thousands of ingredients under this category allowing consumers very little knowledge of what they’re actually eating.  The only time natural flavors is actually safe for the human body is when its in organic food due to the way the laws are written. 
If we are used to pre-made packaged meals it would be very emotionally taxing to not have any of that in our food preparedness storage once a disaster did hit, but if we really look closely  at the pre-made food we like we most likely will be able to create our own mixes in  advance or just make it on the spot from healthy basic ingredients and make it taste as good or better.
We not only should grow our food storage but rotate and use it in our daily meals for both our own health NOW and for the safety and knowledge we will have to prosper in times of distress.  If we focus on the things we are told we should eat and store rather than the “do not’s” of the word of wisdom (D&C 89) or other guidelines, we may find great bounty in our options.
Financial Benefits:
-A meal from food storage can cut the cost of your meal from 10-30% or more.
-Bread from food storage is 30% cheaper (or more).
-Save on medical costs from bodily sickness due to lack of nutritionally balanced ingredients.
Spiritual Benefits:  (D&C 89:18-21)
1. Health & Strength
2. Wisdom & Treasures of Knowledge
3. Run &not be weary, walk & not faint
4. Destroying angel will pass by

Even though the grains are very health promoting along with the veggies and fruit when prepared properly, I find it very important to state that your body must be healthy enough to tolerate any and all the food that you are consuming.  Many people who are struggling with their health or their kids health have many food sensitivities, without even realizing it sometimes.  There are even times when the symptoms of food sensitivity have not surfaced in a strong enough way for us to recognize yet.  Many of these sensitivities, or even full on allergies to our food come from something called a "Leaky Gut Syndrome".  It has many names by different sources, but for all intensive purposes this is the name I have chosen to use at this point.  Leaky Gut Syndrome refers to some or all of the organs involved in digestion.  When they are not cared for properly through the proper amount of macro and micro nutrients in the diet along with general maintenance, a proper balance of probiotics and mild cleansing to the walls of the digestive tract, the gut lining can become weak and allow small amounts of certain foods into our bloodstream.

When these foreign food particles enter our bloodstream directly our body attacks it like a disease and causing symptoms as severe a response as an allergic reaction, or our may be simply being a little tired.  Sometimes the symptoms may not even be visible, even when something is going on wrong in this regard.  Many people I have met consider the Gut as the bodies "Second Brain" because if it is having problems it sends mixed signals to the brain and can cause many issues not only physically but psychologically as well such as a bipolar disorder, autism, ADD, ADHD, diabetes, cancer, etc.

There are many things to do to help our bodies overcome a Leaky Gut or to simply prevent it.  From all my research I have no doubt in my mind that if we take the steps to heal our insides and then maintain them through dietary means then we can free ourselves from known diseases along with other health disorders that are more psychological.  

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