Ok, so we all are very glad that when we get a really severe wound we are able to get to an emergency room for stitches. I'm sure we're also all glad that doctor's know how to measure things like our blood pressure and test for intense or chronic conditions. Doctor's are an important part of our society. It's a big deal when the best in their field see the value of alternative therapies such as using essential oils.
Most doctors I know don't know much about "preventative or natural health care" unless it's being promoted by the latest pharmaceutical company, so has it in fact become more like "sick care" when visiting a doctor? However true that may be, it is now evident that times are truly changing. It's about time too. In France all the major pharmacies and doctor's consistently use essential oils in their patient care. For good reason too, when they are pure, there is really nothing I've found that works better at alleviating health frustrations and concerns. Because our bodies understand how to absorb the non-synthetic molecules of pure essential oils there are very few side effects if any. Most people claim that essential oils don't have any side effects at all when they are pure. I however think that people all react to things a little different and what some may deem as normal for a given situation, another may not. This video I found talks about the concerns many have with the common American health care model and what many families and physicians are now turning to in an effort to take control and get past those problems. I especially like the quotes in this clip from the doctors that were interviewed.
To see more videos on essential oils and their use see my post :
If you also want to see a video on how essential oils are now being used in medical facilities here it is.