Cause of Illness - Leaky Gut

Many food sensitivities, physical or psychological ailments, or even full on allergies come from something called a "Leaky Gut Syndrome".  It has many names by different sources, but for all intensive purposes this is the name I have chosen to use at this point.  Leaky Gut Syndrome refers to some or all of the organs involved in digestion.  When they are not cared for properly through the proper amount of macro and micro nutrients in the diet along with general maintenance, a proper balance of probiotics and mild cleansing to the walls of the digestive tract, the gut lining can become weak and allow small amounts of certain foods into our bloodstream.

When these foreign food particles enter our bloodstream directly our body attacks it like a disease and causing symptoms as severe a response as an allergic reaction, or it may be simply being a little tired.  Sometimes the symptoms may not even be visible, even when something is going on wrong in this regard.  Many people I have met consider the Gut as the bodies "Second Brain" because if it is having problems it sends mixed signals to the brain and can cause many issues not only physically but psychologically as well such as a bipolar disorder, autism, ADD, ADHD, diabetes, cancer, etc.

There are many things to do to help our bodies overcome a Leaky Gut or to simply prevent it.  From all my research I have no doubt in my mind that if we take the steps to heal our insides and then maintain them through dietary means then we can free ourselves from, most if not all, diseases and health conditions (both physical and psychological).  It is a process, and takes time, but all of us can do it if we really have the desire. 

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