Healthy Eating Tips & Tricks - To Heal & Lose Weight

Nourishing Traditions & Cavity Remineralization Dietary Guidelines:
On my journey to weight loss and health I followed these guidelines and lost 20 lbs. in 2 weeks!
AND doing this diet my daughter's cavity filled teeth started to visibly remineralize every day that we followed both the diet and the supplementation that goes with it (i.e. green pastures fermented cod liver oil & my superhero smoothie).  It was truly amazing to watch the brown turn back to white on her teeth!

To have a little sanity as parents of three we opted to eat everything in the first 2 categories but not the last 2.  The second to last one is stuff you can eat every 6 months to a year and still be fine though, so maybe on the holidays.  Though this diet is very helpful, I found that when I followed similar steps but also had some of the GAPS diet guidelines in it and followed a well laid out meal plan, that it was easier to get all our bodies working better, thinking clearer and still stay sane as a mother.  Meal plans help keep sanity as well as save on a tight budget, they're great!

After doing this diet for a month we decided to do a lot of its guidelines but to incorporate a meal plan that followed more of GAPS, Body Ecology, & Paleo diet principles as well.  This kicked my body into yet another gear of weight loss with cutting out grains completely and I started to feel a lot more energized and healthy, Yeah!  In this month I lost another 20 lbs.  By this point my total weight loss was about 40 lbs.

About a month into Paleo, we started to feel a little deprived.  Kirk just was frustrated at me all the time because I was still on board with no grains and he was craving them so often, and secretly I was starting to feel like my muscles were getting weaker and like I was missing some of the needed nutrition from some things we'd been cutting out.  I didn't know how to bring the food back in because I wanted to do it in the right way to be healthy.  Well, because my decisions were based on fear and his on cravings, we kinda crashed and burned.  I ate almost a quart of chocolate chips over the course of a week and ended up with a ton of blood in my stool along with gaining back 5 lbs. and feeling more miserable and tired than ever (with the exception of during my pregnancy morning sickness episodes).

I was at a standstill and then I discovered two essential oils that are amazing.  One is a blend of a few oils, called Slim & Sassy.  The other is simple and inexpensive, Lemon Essential Oil.  Both of these help with allowing the body to gently detoxify the fat cells.  I don't know how many out there know, but toxins stick in the fat cells and not only make it harder to lose weight but also make it more likely for future illnesses.  Once those toxins leave the cells and the body, the fat cells shrink or diminish and viola, you get at least some of your desired results.

I decided to rub some of the Lemon Essential Oil directly on my belly in my trouble areas every night.

 Then one night we ate pizza.  This was a bad idea for me.  After doing the nutritious diets I just wasn't handling gluten anymore (I really don't know if I ever did handle it).  Even gluten free grains like rice were giving me tummy aches (though I wonder if it is because they were processed with wheat or glutenous grains).  I read that the Lemon Essential Oil actually can help with tummy aches and very gently detox on the inside (it had to be gentle because I'm a nursing mother and a normal detox is not healthy in that situation).

So I put 2 drops of the specially Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Lemon Oil in my water.  It has to go through special testing to prove its purity level or you should never use it internally.  When these tests are not there as proof you risk getting a lot of fillers that could be toxic along with pesticides and chemicals that would hurt you.  However the proven pure essential oils are 70x more potent than the herbal comparison, so they do a lot of good and are a great resource.

It worked wonders!  After a couple days I lost a few more lbs. and my bowels actually normalized better than I could have ever expected.  One thing though, it definately made me more thirsty.  I started drinking about 25% more water (which the lemon makes taste great).  The water intake is really important though cause it helps flush out any of those toxins that are released from the fat cells (or anywhere else for that matter).

I noticed that very quickly my belly flab (from previous pregnancies) started to pull in & shrink and I started to feel healthier again.  It only took two and a half months for me to lose an additional 50 lbs once I introduced this essential oil routine.

As far as the weight loss and healing regimen that I have developed, I use all of the elements of health that I have learned along with taking into consideration the blocks or resistance points that I personally hit in my journey.  I am still on my way there - to optimal health, and I hope that as I get closer I can help others to get closer to that goal too.

Stay tuned for more on the soon to come book that will include recipes and meal plans for all the phases of weight loss that I have developed in my system for weight loss and health that I will share with you.

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