Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Drug Interactions With Essential Oils - Cautions & Safety

This post is for those out there with an auto-immune disease, lupus, or any other serious chronic condition.  Its also for those of you who just have an intense desire to learn everything you can about healthcare.

I was thinking about the fact that there are so many people out there that have to make that choice between modern medicine pharmaceuticals and those that choose to only use natural solutions for the same problems.  Sometimes when people talk about this topic it sounds like those are the only two choices, but in reality they are not.  There are so many varying levels to be on in the middle of these two.  For example my sister in law thinks naturally taking care of health through any type of herbal or alternative healthcare option is quackery and should be avoided at all costs.  I thought I would never have anything in common in our first aid and medicine cabinet kits.  I was wrong.  She totally pulled out a bottle of Arnica Gel on our camping trip for someones cramping legs!  It made me very excited to say the least.

There are also those who, like me, mostly use natural solutions for our family's issues, but if something persists for over a normal amount of time or is beyond our knowledge base we seek medical attention or a doctors opinion.  For a long time I would take my kids into the doctor just to find out what it was they were sick with, and then I'd research how to naturally combat that instead of doing the prescription recommended.

There are extremists, though they are few and far between.  I am sure some of my friends from high school think I am an extremist because back then I remember saying to them "I'd rather die than go to the hospital, no matter how sick or hurt I get."  I have been to the hospital since, and no I am not that extreme in real life now that I am older.  I do still get jitters about the idea and want to do everything I can to help myself at home first if the situation arose, but emergencies require emergency care and emergency physicians.

The main kind of person that made me want to write this today are those that want to use natural solutions but are afraid to.  These people are on heavy medications and at certain points could actually have a flare and get deathly ill if they were to just stop taking their pharmaceutical pills.  I know a lot of women with Lupus or other auto-immune disorders, and this is a very common trait with them.  Many people are aware that essential oils are quicker and more effective than most herbs and pharmaceuticals in helping our bodies to feel better from all kinds of conditions by giving it the nutrition and molecular support it needs.  Because essential oils have a molecular structure that provides a specific function, many people worry about reactions to their heavy medications.  Therefore they worry that they are stuck with only one option, pharmaceuticals, because adding anything natural could interfere or react.

I want to put your mind at ease.  I feel that knowledge is power.  I do think its important to consult with your doctor, especially when on any medications, however it is comforting to know what is safe myself too.  In the end we are all responsible for our own healthcare.  Everyone and everything else is just tools, be they good or bad.

Out of all my research I found this list of essential oils that can interfere or react with drugs and how.  I just want to note here that most of these findings are related to internal use potentially reacting with internal drugs, however the external use of essential oils seems to have no impact on the effectiveness or ineffectivess/danger of the drug.  So I will post the list of drug contraindications here, but would note that for the best care and relief of flares or symptoms to take a very high quality food based supplement regimen like Lifelong Vitality along with a good diet without gluten to reduce inflammation (which causes flares), and then use essential oils on the outside of the body in targeted areas or the feet to relieve specific concerns.  This can be done while using your medications, but can improve immunity and quality of life enough to reduce the level of need for the medications over time.  It is important to talk to your doctor when changing anything about your health, even for the better, especially when there are medications involved.

The List of Contraindications for Pharmaceuticals and Essential Oils:

While most essential oils are safe with normal diluted topical use, there are a few exceptions.
Drug Injection Sites:  Caution should be exercised using any topical aromatherapy preparations around drug injection sites or areas of the body where transdermal medications are in use (i.e., estrogen or nicotine patches, etc.).
Smokers:  Interactions may be problematic with simple inhalation of essential oils(aka EO's) for someone who smokes because inhalation of EO's high in menthol, such as peppermint, will cause increased lung permeability of nicotine. Menthol also slows the ability to clear nicotine from the body. If you are a smoker, allow several hours to elapse between cigarette use and inhalation of EO's high in menthol.
Pre-Surgery Cautions:  Many oils commonly used for respiratory issues, such as rosemary, eucalyptus, ravintsara and bay laurel are high in 1,8 cineole. Cineole can interfere with metabolism of anesthesia, and should be avoided (both topically and via inhalation) for at least a week prior to any surgeries to prevent complications. High cineole oils are also contraindicated for those on barbituates, as they induce rapid metabolism of these drugs.  Post Surgery these oils however may be beneficial in the healing time needed.
Anti-Coagulant Drugs:  Essential oils which are high in eugenol or methyl salicylate should not be used by those on anticoagulant drugs. 
Other than the examples cited above, most known drug interactions in aromatherapy occur with oral, vaginal or rectal use of essential oils. Although these applications are common in parts of Europe, aromatherapy is seldom administered this way in the United States.  This is because the British aromatherapy theology and the French aromatherapy theology for use medicinally is very different.  The British theology is very hands off, just smell (as I interpret it).  The French have gone beyond and done much more extensive research in medical situations with essential oils used internally as well.  In fact it is common to have a prescription for essential oil use from a doctor in France.  

Many aromatherapy schools in the U.S. have adopted the British theology, instilling fear of internal use into its student base.  There is no need for this fear of reasonable internal use for tested and verified pure essential oils that are known to be safe and help alleviate symptoms.  Knowing which oils are safe internally, that they are as pure as is physically possible, that they are from plants in the right soil as to give the greatest nutritional power and constituents is essential.  Being sure that the oils used are of high enough quality for internal use is very important.  Be sure they have not been chemically altered, have fillers, or adulterated in the gathering and distilling process (as this can make the oil toxic or work improperly).  There is only one company I have found that sources from the greatest soils for each plant and does all the very necessary testing for each batch to verify purity and potency for the ability to get the expected results every time.  I am proud to use their lemon, lime and grapefruit in my water, just a couple drops per glass.  It tastes great, helps my energy naturally, reduces acid reflux, and helps my metabolism for better weight loss results.  If you have taken a pharmaceutical drug, just stick to topically putting a couple drops where you need with some fractionated coconut oil, or the feet are a great place to rub them on.  The feet have the biggest pores along with nerve endings from all over your body so it is the number one go to spot for topical application with most people.
Reference for Drug Interactions:
Harris, Rhiannon. Drug-Essential Oil Interactions: Risks and Reassurances. Presentation to Alliance of International Aromatherapists, (17 Dec. 2008). Denver, CO.

Finding Dual Enrollment For My Kindergartener - My Story

The last couple weeks have been insanely crazy.  I would love to just say its because I'm so busy cause I love to get out and do lots... but its not.  My little girl, the oldest of my 3 is in Kindergarten right now. We started her full time in Public Kindergarten at the beginning of this year.  I had many tear filled mornings as I struggled to let her go.  I am the kind of mom that feels most comfortable and confident when I can see my kids at all times.  I like to let them go play in the backyard, but when it is an option I prefer to be able to see them while they are playing on their own.  In our most recent home this isn't the easiest scenario, so I've grown to be more ok with just being able to hear them out back while I am doing some of the household chores.  Optimally seeing is always better in my mind though so that I can help or prevent something really bad from happening ASAP.

After getting over the fact that letting her go into the care of someone I didn't know (even though she happens to be one of the most amazing teachers I've ever met), there were a myriad of problems that started to arise.  Firstly, her personality started to change for the worse.  She stopped enjoying to help around the house, she stopped enjoying learning to do new tasks at home, she started to break household rules that we've always had, she started to do a lot herself that was far too beyond what I feel is safe for her age (like trying to cut food on a cutting board), she snuck a pair of scissors and cut up a bunch of my bills, she started to talk about kids that were bullying her on the playground, she started pushing around her little brother and sister more than I've ever seen, and her focus along with ability to process my direction as a parent decreased drastically.  That on top of my little boy throwing tantrums every time we picked her up or dropped her off because of the school yard made life feel, in essence, like a total nightmare.

I pulled her out of the local public school, feeling bad because Mrs. Hurzeler was so good with her and was doing tons of extra stuff.  She was even in a center that was close to first grade level reading in the sense that they were ready to start spelling tests this early in the year and before 1st grade.  She also had a few friends that I just adore.  Summer is the sweetest cutest little girl and they play princess together, which touches my heart.  I would love for them to stay friends.  She thrives in social situations and I felt guilty taking her away from something social and advanced.

I put her into K12 which is an online public school.  The kids have a teacher online and the parents are the learning coach.  In the younger grades the parents do most of the work with the kids and then the kids can start doing most of it on the computers themselves as they get older.  This was a problem quick because she gets addicted to screen time fast and too much computer caused some different behavior problems.  I loved the curriculum that they sent, however much of it she was too advanced for (she would need to start at least half way through or she'd just be bored).  I asked what to do because of that and they told me that I'd have to pay $100 to get the curriculum she needed and move up when she was ready.  I thought she would be able to move at the super fast pace that she loves without finances being an issue!  This made me upset and so my decision became that I either needed to do her part time with the elementary again or do my own curriculum that I created or found that fit her needs better.

Guilt for that social and for knowing how cool Mrs. Hurzeler was made me lean toward dual enrollment (hoping she wouldn't revert back to the negative behavior again).  I felt good about it, but didn't know if it was right or not.  I took a week and did straight homeschool.  My own curriculum that I used all through preschool, but the portion that was still challenging her.  Her behavior finally normalized!  I could see my sweet girl coming out again.  The little girl that loves to help and play and serve.

My hubby came home one day and asked Eeva about the different school scenarios.  We wanted to get her take because its her life.  She likes any and every type of school so most of her answers were geared to what she thought we wanted to hear until now.  In their conversation she had an epiphany out loud "if I don't do Mrs. Hurzeler's class than I have to break up with those friends" and she started crying.  It was at that moment that in a rush we booked it over to the elementary, met with the principle and teacher, and arranged dual enrollment.

------Since dual enrollment started....  I want to say that in the last couple weeks that everything has stabilized and normal.  It's not.  She is better now than when she was full time at school behaviorally, however she did revert back a little.  She has much more "I know better and can do my own thing" attitude on the days she comes home from school and my 3 year old still throws tantrums most days we go.  The days we have homeschool is now my curriculum and it flows beautifully.  Though there are sometimes just hard days as a mom, as far as schooling goes, my homeschool days are far less taxing and some of the most peaceful and fun days for my family.  I am so grateful for those days of teaching her myself.  I promised to give dual enrollment 2 months to let things stabilize before getting frustrated and changing it.  I don't want too many changes to mess with Eeva's emotional stability.  So we are in it until the end of the semester at least.  I hope that things do stabilize well for her sake.

Some of the good things about school is that she and I have made some friends with kids and parents that we go to the park with occasionally.  I also love her teacher, the learning centers, and the Raz Kids online program she is offering the kids for a reading homework game.

Some good things about home school.  I love that the day starts of peaceful and continues that way really easily in contrast to a school day.  I also love that I get to be involved in helping her learn and grow.  Seeing those moments when something just clicks for the first time is such a treasure that we give away when someone else educates our kids.  I love that I just found some amazing friends for her who are also home schooled (This has been a somewhat hard task for my area, I had to create my own facebook group and events, because all the groups I found, most events were a bit far and I couldn't find those involved unless it was at someone's house - that doesn't feel like a field trip to me, sorry).